Documento > Tesis
no Subject Name Data Hit
5 Retrospective multicenter study of csm endosseous denta.. Admin 2011-10-14 12867
4 Retrospective Chart Analysis on Survival Rate of Fixtur.. Admin 2011-10-14 10813
3 The effect of water pyrolysis on the removal torque of .. Admin 2011-10-14 8749
2 The removal torque of titanium screw inserted in rabbit.. Admin 2011-10-14 9446
1 A removal torque of the laser-treated titanium implants.. Admin 2011-10-14 7010

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CSM Implant

Odontologia del implante dental

Implante sumergido

Implantes dentales quirurgicos

Caja del sistema del implante interno

Sistema del implante interno

Cirugia del implante

Dientes de cirugia del implante

Dentista de implantes