Product > Submerged ケ Implant
Submerged ケ Implant Submerged ケ Implant System Flow Chart
Submerged ケ Implant System Fixture
Submerged ケ Implant System Upper Part
Submerged ケ Implant System Unpacking Process
Submerged ケ Implant System Operation Procedure

, Submerged ケ Implant System Flow Chart

Submerged implant is an end-osseous implant with a neck and head of implant that is removable. And submerged implant allows implant to get fixed intra tooth bone. After action of end-osseous is done, implant is buried. We are ready to provide our submerged implant to everyone suffering from the painful tooth. We have many models and types of submerged implant. Check our website for more information of submerged implant.

CSM Implant

internal implant fixture

internal implant flow chart

internal implant operation procedure

internal implant unpacking process

internal implant upper part

submerged implant fixture

submerged implant flow chart

submerged implant operation procedure

submerged implant unpacking process

submerged implant upper part